System Partition Integrity

Ensure that Android devices being used include and enable the Verified Boot capability, which cryptographically ensures the integrity of the system partition.

ID: M1004
Version: 1.0
Created: 25 October 2017
Last Modified: 17 October 2018

Techniques Addressed by Mitigation

Domain ID Name Use
Mobile T1398 Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts

Android and iOS include system partition integrity mechanisms that could detect unauthorized modifications.

Mobile T1645 Compromise Client Software Binary

Android includes system partition integrity mechanisms that could detect unauthorized modifications.

Mobile T1625 Hijack Execution Flow

Android Verified Boot can detect unauthorized modifications made to the system partition, which could lead to execution flow hijacking.[1]

.001 System Runtime API Hijacking

Android Verified Boot can detect unauthorized modifications made to the system partition, which could lead to execution flow hijacking.[1]

Mobile T1629 Impair Defenses

System partition integrity mechanisms, such as Verified Boot, can detect the unauthorized modification of system files.

.003 Disable or Modify Tools

System partition integrity mechanisms, such as Verified Boot, can detect the unauthorized modification of system files.

Mobile T1474 .003 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Software Supply Chain

Ensure Verified Boot is enabled on devices with that capability.
